Well, today learnt a new grammar approach, which is the Communicative Approach. While being communicative in nature, the question i have is, will it work in a typical Malaysia classroom? Or rather, is there some ways that a teacher can really finds balance between having a communicative classroom yet being able to maintain the situation of it?
Perhaps it's high time for me to know more about ways to engage students, as well as ways of having the class under appropriate control...hehe. But then again, the question about, would there be any purposeful communication if the class is under certain amount of control by the teacher....come on, face it, teacher will be held reliable if there's unwanted incidents in it...although it's not something bad, but nonetheless, it's not helping us by holding us for everything and yet wanting more from a limited situation....what's wrong with them anyway...i personally believe that we're all trying our best, sometimes no doubt it's quite demotivating, but i believe there are many of us who are still not giving up despite the limited situation...it's not the failure to achieve something that's causing the frustration, but it's the struggle that's causing us to question ourself to whether pursue this quest or simply just give up....
Well, thinking on the bright side, thank god for i'va also managed to complete and add one more feature in the file for the evaluation and assessment file...hehe....i love it when i can complete more than just 1 work by having technology and methods that work...it's just weird, not that i like internet, or technologies, but the fact remains that i do need them to complete more work...
Aaanyway, since that's what a computer is good for, number crunching and doing calculations, i think letting it play its roll it's the best option and decision a teacher could say...what do you think? Do leave me a comment on that....
And to our new reader, Ms. Lxxxxx, welcome...haha. Do drop me a line or 2, don't worry...haha
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